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Review of Figures In Silk by

Figures In Silk

by Vanora Bennett

2 out of 5 stars ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆

Reviewed .

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I couldn't get into this book, unfortunately. I had a hard time empathizing with the characters that Bennett sets in 15th century England. The protagonist, Isabel, never really seems to seize the day and attempt to carve out her own destiny.

Often I say, "Not my favourite book, but if you have the time, give it a read." There's nothing about Figures in Silk to recommend itself as one of those books, however. Its historical scope is narrow: while set during the War of the Roses and involving several of the important players in that game, there are many more interesting books set during this time period. Even the details on the silk trade are lacklustre.

You could do much better than spend time reading Figures in Silk.

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